Admission into the Graduate Program

To apply for the graduate program, the candidate must have an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Systems Engineering or a related area. Applicants are subject to a selection process that takes into account their CVs, transcripts and, in the case of the doctoral program, their study plans. The foreign student must apply and pass the selection examination before receiving the letter of acceptance, with which the candidate may request a student visa.

Applicants are ranked according to the average score of their CVs and transcripts. Having their study plan approved is also a requirement for students applying to the doctoral program.

Required Documentation

All documents should be translated by a sworn-translator except those in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

  • 1 recent photo (3x4cm suggested)
  • Curriculum Vitae (a documentary proof must be attached for every item in the CV)
  • Official undergraduate transcript
  • Official masters transcript (when applied)
  • Research project (for PhD students only)
  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of undergraduate and masters (when applied) diploma

The research project must contain: the research sub-area to which the candidate is applying to, a description of the proposed research, a list of courses planned to complement the student's education, approval of the future academic advisor.

Application dates for the masters program are available here (in Portuguese).

Applications to the doctoral program may be sent from February to October (every year).

Registration at UFMG

Upon admission, four documents are important to register as a regular student at UFMG.

  • a copy of the student's undergraduate diploma certified by a Brazilian consular authority in the country the diploma was issued.
  • a translation of the student's undergraduate diploma by a sworn-translator;
  • a student visa IV;
  • a CPF (a federal taxpayer number).

See the section on the Brazilian legislation for information on how to obtain the last two documents.

Degree Requirements

Masters Degree

  • A total of 6 graduate level courses (+mandatory seminars) taken in the first year in the program.
  • English comprehension test passed in the first year in the program. Note: the answers for the test must be given in Portuguese.
  • Dissertation defense within 24 months of the beginning of the program.
  • A cumulative GPA of 75/100 is required for the defense.

Doctoral Degree

  • A total of 6 graduate degree level courses (+mandatory seminars) taken in the first year in the program (must include 2 directed research courses).
  • English comprehension test passed in the first two years in the program. Note: the answers for the test must be given in Portuguese.
  • Qualifying examination taken up to 24 months from the beginning in the program.
  • Dissertation defense within 48 months of the beginning of the program.
  • A cumulative GPA of 75/100 is required for the defense.

Note that there are no language requirements apart from the English comprehension test. However, while we are making an increasing effort to offer more courses in English, we cannot guarantee that all of the required courses will be taught in English. For this reason, it is important that students reach some level of proficiency in Portuguese as soon as possible. Portuguese lessons are offered on campus and may be a valuable resource for those seeking to improve in the language (click here for more details).

Financial Support

Historically, most full-time grad students receive some form of financial support through the duration of their studies.


Campus - UFMG

Avenida Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Escola de Engenharia - Bloco I sala 2303 CEP 31270-901
Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais - Brasil

Telefone: +55 (31)3409-5465
Fax: +55 (31)3409-5480

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