Concentration Area: Power Systems Engineering

Reseach Areas
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Power Quality (CEQE)

The Electromagnetic Compatibility and Power Quality Research Group is involved in:

Electromagnetic Compatibility; Power Quality; Development of Power Supplies; Harmonics in Power Systems; Disturbance Monitoring; Short-time Voltage Variation and Voltage Fluctuation; Alternative Power Sources; Distributed Energy Resources Grid Interfacing; Grid Integration of Windgenerators; Wind and Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems; Modeling and Control of Power Converters; Reactive Power Control; High Voltage Engineering and Applications; HV Testing Techniques; Electrical Insulation; Partial Discharges and Corona Effect; Lightning Protection; Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing; Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems; Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Power Systems; Power System Planning; Electricity Markets; Power Sector Deregulation; Distributed Generation Issues in Electricity Markets.

Danilo Iglesias Brandão
Ivan José da Silva Lopes
José Osvaldo Saldanha Paulino
Sidelmo Magalhães Silva
Victor Flores Mendes
Wadaed Uturbey da Costa
Wallace do Couto Boaventura

Power Electronics (EP)

Braz de Jesus Cardoso Filho
Gabriel Azevedo Fogli
Igor Amariz Pires
Lenin Martins Ferreira Morais
Seleme Isaac Seleme Júnior
Thales Alexandre Carvalho Maia
Thiago Ribeiro de Oliveira
Tomas Perpetuo Correa

Electrical Power Systems (SEE)

1,039 / 5,000
The SEE Research Line covers topics related to disturbances in electrical systems, methodologies and instruments for their perception and recording, and control and protection techniques. The line achieved international excellence in the specific themes listed:

Atmospheric discharges - Physics of the phenomenon, measurement of its primary parameters (electromagnetic fields, discharge currents) and detection (lightning localization systems); Development of special meters; Effects of discharges: Direct incidence - Overvoltages in electrical lines and systems
Nearby discharges: Induced voltages in distribution and communication networks; Protection techniques and methodologies.

Electrical Grounding - Modeling and computational applications; Measurement techniques and instrumentation; Soil parameters: frequency dependence and soil ionization; Grounding response to discharge currents; Specific Grounding (Transmission Lines, Networks, Meshes, etc.); Design and Protection Techniques and Methodologies.

Alberto Resende De Conti
Fernando Henrique Silveira
Silvério Visacro Filho

Concentration Area: Signals and Systems

Reseach Areas
Biomedical Engineering (EB)

The Biomedical Engineering (BE) is an interdisciplinary area that employs knowledge and methods of Math and Sciences to investigate and solve problems of Medicine and Biology. In the PPGEE (Electrical Engineering Post-graduation Program), the BE conducts research, mainly, in biomedical instrumentation and signal processing applied to the study of the cardiac, respiratory and nervous systems. Devices for basic research and medical/hospital equipment including technological innovation are implemented. Mathematical methods are applied aiming at extracting relevant information about physiological systems and human health. The currently investigated themes encompass brain-computer-brain interfaces, mental practices for patient neuro-rehabilitation, analysis of the brain electrical activities related to cognitive and sensorial systems - including steady-state auditory, visual and somatosensory (by current pulses or temperature) evoked potentials - cellular mechanisms of visual perception, pupillometry, heart rate variability, maximum respiratory pressures. It is worth noting that the Biomedical Engineering in the PPGEE involves graduates from different areas such as Engineering (electrical, electronic, automation and control, mechanical, civil), Physics, Computer Science, Biology, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology, Physical Education, Psychology, and Linguistics. Such characteristics make the BE of the PPGEE a plural and fertile ground for the emergence of new devices/inventions.

Alessandro Beda
Henrique Resende Martins
Homero Nogueira Guimarães
Leonardo Bonato Felix
Márcio Flávio Dutra Moraes

Control and Modeling of Cyberphysical Systems (CiberContr)

The Cyberphysical Systems Control and Modeling research line dialogues with different areas of engineering research by proposing innovative solutions for the control and modeling of networked interconnected systems integrating digital technologies and physical agents. The research topics covered are: system identification; robust control via optimization; network control; cybersecurity and control; cooperative control for multi-agents; distributed control; fuzzy control; control by learning; data-driven control; adaptive control; fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis; fault tolerant control; control of nonlinear systems; non-linear signal processing and analysis; state estimation; sensor fusion; development of virtual sensors; and related topics. A characteristic of most of the work carried out in the line is the combination of sophisticated techniques, with significant theoretical challenges, and their application in solving practical problems in the most diverse areas, including aeronautics, robotics, petrochemistry, multi-agent coordination, synchronization of energy sources, biomedicine, among others.

Bruno Otávio Soares Teixeira
Eduardo Mazoni Andrade Marçal Mendes
Fernando de Oliveira Souza
Leonardo Antônio Borges Torres
Luciano Antonio Frezzatto Santos
Luis Antonio Aguirre
Reinaldo Martínez Palhares
Víctor Costa da Silva Campos

Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR)

The automatic control of industrial processes, robots and dynamical systems in general is the main objective in this line of research. Nowadays automation strategies have grown in importance due to the increasing demand on energy efficiency improvement, reduction of fresh raw materials consumption and emission of pollutants, together with life quality enhancement based on the intensive use of automatic mechanisms to effect tasks that are repetitive, or should be performed with great accuracy, or simply cannot be done by humans. In this context, new synthesis methods for controllers and robotic systems together with stability and performance analysis techniques have been proposed in this research line by considering practical aspects, such as process uncertainties, measurement noise, occurrence of failures, and presence of time delays.

Armando Alves Neto
Bruno Vilhena Adorno
Carlos Andrey Maia
Carmela Maria Polito Braga
Guilherme Vianna Raffo
Gustavo Medeiros Freitas
Leonardo Amaral Mozelli
Luciano Cunha de Araújo Pimenta
Patrícia Nascimento Pena
Vinícius Mariano Gonçalves

Concentration Area: Computer Engineering , Communications and Computation

Reseach Areas
Microelectronics and Microsystems (MeMSs)

This research line, integrated in the area of Computer Systems, was installed in 2009 with the objective to leverage the field of microelectronics and microsystems in the PPGEE. The intention of MeMs is the formation of high qualified human resources and research following international standards. The research line is engaged with the development, fabrication, and verification of integrated circuits and microsystems. Thereby, the activities of the members include projects related to optronics and image sensors, applied micro- and nanoelectronics, development of integrated systems, as well as metrology. Further, several members are integrated in the INCT-DISSE for semiconductor nanodevices, and collaborate directly with the INCT-NAMITEC for nano- and microtechnologies. More information about participating laboratories can be found here: OptMAlab, PSE.

Ado Jorio de Vasconcelos
Dalton Martini Colombo
Davies William de Lima Monteiro
Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro
Janier Arias García
Linnyer Beatrys Ruiz Aylon
Luciana Pedrosa Salles

Computational Intelligence (IC)

Adriano Vilela Barbosa
Antônio de Pádua Braga
Cristiano Leite de Castro
Frederico Gadelha Guimarães
Frederico Gualberto Ferreira Coelho
Hani Camille Yehia
Walmir Matos Caminhas

Optimization (OT)

Eduardo Gontijo Carrano
João Antônio de Vasconcelos
Lucas de Souza Batista
Michel Bessani
Petr Iakovlevitch Ekel
Ricardo Hiroshi Caldeira Takahashi
Rodney Rezende Saldanha

Antennas, Propagation and Applied Electromagnetics (APE)

The activities of the Antennas, Radio Wave Propagation and Applied Electromagnetism (APE) research line are aimed at teaching, research and extension in the areas of Telecommunications and Applied Electromagnetism, aiming at the application of electromagnetic theory in engineering problems involving synthesis and analysis of antennas, microwave devices, characterization of radioelectric propagation and the radio channel, performance prediction of wireless communication systems, design of electromagnetic machines and devices and non-destructive testing. Problems involving electromagnetic fields coupled to other physical systems are also worked on, such as inductive or microwave heating processes, fields in biological systems, etc. The line's activities also include the creation of theoretical and numerical tooling dedicated to solving these problems, using techniques such as finite element methods (traditional and generalized), finite differences, method of moments, meshless methods and boundary elements.

Andrea Chiuchiarelli
Cássio Gonçalves do Rego
Diogo Batista de Oliveira
Elson José da Silva
Fernando José da Silva Moreira
Jaime Arturo Ramírez
Jhonattan Cordoba Ramirez
Renato Cardoso Mesquita
Ricardo Luiz da Silva Adriano

Campus - UFMG

Avenida Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Escola de Engenharia - Bloco I sala 2303 CEP 31270-901
Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais - Brasil

Telefone: +55 (31)3409-5465
Fax: +55 (31)3409-5480

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