Masters Program - 2st semester of 2024 - Applications open
Doctoral Program - 2024 - Applications open

(1) Applicants must fill out an online form and attach the required documentation;
(2) Upon completion of the form, the system will generate a receipt and a number that allows applicants to send the required documents.

Make sure you submit all the required documents as stated in the call for applications.

Use this option to check the status of the submitted documentation
or to reprint your application receipt. All applicants must use
this option also to send their documentation.

Número do protocolo

Data de nascimento
Formato: dd/mm/aaaa

Campus - UFMG

Avenida Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Escola de Engenharia - Bloco I sala 2303 CEP 31270-901
Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais - Brasil

Telefone: +55 (31)3409-5465
Fax: +55 (31)3409-5480

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